"The beauty of Sujood is such that you whisper silently in to the ground, and it's heard up in the Heavens." Prostration is one of the highest signs of worship. It is the lowest we can get, in front of the Highest of all. We put the most prized part of our body– our forehead– on the ground, thus acknowledging Allah’s loftiness and grandeur. It is also the time when we’re closest to our Lord. The Prophet (saws) said, The closest that a person can be to his Lord, the Mighty and Sublime, is when he is prostrating, so increase in supplication then. [an-Nasai] There are several kinds of prostration, the most common being that which is included in the daily obligatory prayers. Another wajib prostration is the sajdah at tilawah. There are some verses in the Quran where Allah Azza wa Jall commands us to prostrate, and after reciting which the Prophet was reported by the Companions to have prostrated. Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used ...
"The best conversation you can have for your soul is Tahajjud prayer. To be awake at that time alone with Allah and just expressing your thoughts and feelings is the most beautiful feeling ever. Speak to the One who can heal your heart, for Allah is Al-Jabbar." How To Pray Tahajjud ✔️ First start off with reciting the Dua for Tahajjud before starting the salah. ✔️ Then Pray 2 rakats of Salah each (without iqamah) and it can be prayed till 8 rakat, how much of that you want to pray for example, 2 rakat or 4 rakat or 6 rakat or 8 rakat is upto you but more is always better. ✔️ After Tahajjud Salah is done, it is the sunnah to end with three rakat witr and if time is short (Fajr time is near) then end with one rakat of Witr Salah. ✔️ If you are going to pray Tahajjud then pray Witr prayer after Tahajjud Prayer, but if you have already prayed Witr after Isha Prayer then do not pray Witr Prayer again because there is only one Witr in a night. ✔️ Make Dua and ...
Don't wait for six strong men to take you to the mosque. (For your Janāzah(Funeral)) Return to your Lord before it's too late. You should be ready before it's too late Everything in this world has to be destroyed, so before you become self-sufficient, you prepare for your grave and the hereafter, which will also benefit you. You can save yourself and no one else. If you do good work, then that good work is for you and not for others and if you do bad work, then that bad work is for you and not for others, You should be ready before it's too late ...
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